
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Discovery Artist, Not-So-Admirable Artist, and FAVORITE Artist

Miranda Marie McFarland
Advance Drawing
February 25, 2014
20 Hour Proposal

An artist that I have recently discovered over the internet, goes by the name of Karla Mialynne. What I found really fascinating was how lively her drawings are--with such little and basic materials. The materials Mialynne uses are mostly color pencil--and with that she is able to create such vibrant-realistic-spacious art work. On top of it all, Karla Mialynne combines intriguing subject matter; such as the feathers of a majestic bird for the hair of a beautiful women.

It's hard to think of an artist that I dislike, because I love all artist that put forth into their own creativity--which makes me always find something to admire. But if I had to pick an artist it would be Salvator Mundi from the Byzantine Era (330-1487 AD). The reason I picked Mundi is because I come to realize his flat style, repetitive subject matter, and also the lack of depth his art work has. But you have to remember that all of the above is not his fault but the fault of the world; the flat-iconic-long-nosed style was the style of all artist in that era, the repetitive subject matter of the Christian Bible was the only subject matter that the artists could work with--considering the fact that the Churches had all the money to commission the artist, and finally most artist were actually trying to display depth and dimension into their art work, but unfortunately linear perspective wasn't discovered till the Italian Renaissance by Filippo Brunelleschi.

Strangely, I am also finding it hard to pick out my FAVORITE artist, but going back to my art history class I can always remember the impact of Joseph Mallord William Turner ( also known as J.M.W Turner). There is something about his paintings that causes great emotion for me--it's like I can feel HIS own emotion through his powerful strokes ( yet settle at the same time) and his brilliant color coordination. It is phenomenal. No artist has ever been able to cause such a cooling-effect, and this is what all artist wish to achieve, right? Well, Turner executes this perfectly with me, and don't even get me started on his self-portrait...

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